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FAA L-849

FAA L-849 runway end identifier lights (REIL)


FAA AC 150/5345-51B outlines four types and six styles of flashing equipment for use as REIL lights and omnidirectional approach lighting systems (ODALs).


L-849V ā€“ REIL lights powered by airport voltage power source
L-849I ā€“ REIL lights powered by constant current 6.6 A power supply
L-859V ā€“ ODALS powered by airport voltage power source
L-859I ā€“ ODALS powered by constant current 6.6 A power supply


A – Unidirectional, high intensity, one brightness step.
B – Omni-directional, high intensity, one brightness step.
C – Unidirectional, low intensity, one brightness step.
D – Omni-directional, low intensity, one brightness step.
E – Unidirectional, three brightness steps.
F – Omni-directional, three brightness steps.
Note: All styles apply to an L-849, only Style F applies to L-859


Effective Intensity by Style

High Medium Low
L-849 A 15,000
L-849 B 5,000
L-849 C 700
L-849 D 700
L-849 E 15,000 1,500 300
L-849 F 5,000 1,500 300
L-859 F 5,000 1,500 300
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